Aerospace Engines A to Z
Aerospace Engines A to Z

Updated: 25-Jul-2024

In 1946 the TGAR-1008 turbojet engine was released with a thrust of 1,800 Kgf and was an important milestone at that time.

-Before, since 1941, Professor Destival, while in the occupied zone of France, began to develop a turboprop called TGA-1, initials of the name “Turbo Groupe d’Air” or Autorail, since the SNCF (The french national railway company) was interested.

Socema TGA-1, seccionado
“Socema TGA-1”

-The TGA-1 in its turboprop version is the one we know, with a 15-stage axial compressor, a cannular combustion chamber and a four-stage turbine.

-It had a good satellite-gear for the propeller, and the intake for accessories, was unusually located at the rear of the turbine, exiting through an “island” of the exhaust cone.

-The TGAR-1008 mentioned in the prologue of this chapter, had an 8-stage compressor, a cannular combustion chamber with 20 injectors and where the fuel was directed upstream.

Socema TGAR-1008, seccionado
“Socema TGAR-1008”

-The starter is electric. This engine was used for studies before being abandoned. It was clearly based on the Jumo 004.

-Socema stands for “Société de Construction et d’Equipements Mécaniques pour l’Aviation”.

-It was founded with the intention of carrying out the construction under license from CEM (Compagnie Électro-Mécanique) of a turbine design based on that of Brown Boveri (see)

DTGA 1-bis, cutaway drawing
“TGA 1-bis drawing”

TGA 1-bis, photo
“TGA 1-bis”

-The TGA-1-bis gives about 2,500 HP, with a 15-stage axial compressor, a four-stage turbine and cannular chambers that can be seen in the sectional drawing and which were 10 in total.

-Later, at the 1949 Paris Air Show, Socema showed what was considered the first French turbojet, the TGAR-1008.

-It is said that the studies began around 1939. It gave 2,100 Kgf of thrust and according to the cutaway shown above, the compressor and combustion chambers were very similar to those of the TGA 1-bis.

Socema TGAR-1008

Really beautiful in appearance, the accessory with a front fan - or turbine - seems to be driven by the ram effect, since it does not coincide with any “island” or pillar of the central cone, through which to transmit any type of drag.

Engines of SOCEMA

Model: TGA-1

Combustion chambers:
Power / Thrust: / ---

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Model: TGA-1bis

Combustion chambers:
Power / Thrust: / ---

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Model: TGAR-1008

Combustion chambers:
Power / Thrust: / ---

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