Aerospace Engines A to Z
Aerospace Engines A to Z

Updated: 28-Sep-2020

NAG was the "Neue Automobil Gesellschaft". It began its activities in 1910, as a subsidiary of AEG.

NAG logo
“NAG logo”

-Their aviation motors were based on the car engines that the brand produced. The first ones were used on airships.

Front cross-section of a NAG engine
“Front cross-section of a NAG engine”

NAG engine with transmission and clutches
“NAG engine with transmission and clutches”

-A first engine was installed on the Perseval I airship.

-On the following Perseval III and IV two six-cylinder engines were mounted.

NAG 301 for airships
"NAG 301 for airships"

NAG 301 schematic, side view
NAG 301 schematic, top view
“NAG 301 schematics”

-But before, in its beginnings, it made the Wright-NAG, a 35 CV with four cylinders that was installed on an airplane acquired from the Wrights. The engine had been built under license from the original brand.

-The F-1 four-cylinder upright, inline engine was similar to the Wright giving 55 CV at 1,600 rpm.

-The F-2 was also a four-cylinder giving 60 CV at 1,600 rpm.

NAG F-2, left side
NAG F-2, right side
"NAG F-2, on both sides"

-The F-3 reached 100 CV at 1,250 rpm.

-In the below illustration it is seen from the left front side.

“NAG F-3”

F-3, right-rear side
"F-3, right-rear side"

-The NAG F-4 already was a six-cylinder that gave 150 CV at 1,250 rpm.

NAG F-4, left-rear side
NAG F-4, right-front side
"NAG F-4, both sides"

-The C-II had six cylinders and reached 210 CV. It is the one in the photographs below:

NAG C-II, cylinder details

-The NAG III (sometimes C-III), like the one shown below, is on display at the Polytechnic of Turin.


-Finally we provide another NAG engine. It gave 185 CV.

NAG, 185 CV
“NAG, 185 CV”

-In the MAE engine reserve storage there is an engine known as the Staatsmotor, now with the NAG brand. (Perhaps licensed from Czechoslovakia).

-We can see that it is a double row radial with 14 cylinders. The most characteristic is the upper rotary valve, driven by a control rod. It is a cylindrical piece with different communication steps for intake and exhaust.

NAG, Staatsmotor
“NAG, Staatsmotor”

From Appendix 9: Contributed by Evzen are the NAG pictures below. It is NAG C-III, as mentioned in the main text, it can also be called NAG III.

NAG C-III at Krakovia museum
“NAG C-III at Krakovia museum”

NAG C-III from 1917
"Another NAG C-III from 1917"

NAG C-IV B from 1918
“NAG C-IV B from 1918”

-From a French collaborator I received a photo of the NAG that appears in the main text as model “301”, for airships.

NAG 301
“NAG 301

Installation on the Parseval III
"Installation on the Parseval III"

-NAG made Wright licensed engines for aircraft by the firm “Deutsche Wright-Flugmaschinen Gesellshaft. The so-called NAG-Wright engine gave 30 CV.

Wright-NAG engine
"Wright-NAG Engine"

German Wright Plane
"German Wright Plane"

-We provide two new views of the F-2 that gave 60 CV and F-3 with 100 CV.

-The purpose of the addenda is to provide new material or with better illustrations to insert in the main text or simply replace royalty-free images or improved details.

NAG F-2, 60 CV
“NAG F-2, 60 CV”

NAG F-3, 100 CV
“NAG F-3, 100 CV”

Engines of NAG

Model: 301

Arquitecture: 6-cylinder In-line
Cooling: Liquid
Total Displacement: 843 cu. in.
Bore / Stroke: 150 x 130
Power: 120 CV @ 1300 rpm
Weight: 770 Lb

Other details:
NAG 301

"NAG 301"

Model: C-II

Arquitecture: 6-cylinder In-line
Cooling: Liquid
Total Displacement:
Bore / Stroke:
Power: 210 CV

Other details:


Model: C-III

Arquitecture: 6-cylinder In-line
Cooling: Liquid
Total Displacement: 1041 cu. in.
Bore / Stroke: 138 x 190 mm
Power: 185 HP
Weight: 732 Lb

Other details:


Model: C-IV

Total Displacement:
Bore / Stroke: x

Other details:
NAG C-IV B from 1918

"NAG C-IV B from 1918"

Model: F-2

Arquitecture: 4-cylinder In-line
Cooling: Liquid
Total Displacement: 330 cu. in.
Bore / Stroke: 120 x 120 mm
Power: 60 CV @ 1600 rpm
Weight: 212 Lb

Other details:
NAG F-2, left side view

"NAG F-2, left side view"

Model: F-3

Arquitecture: 4-cylinder In-line
Cooling: Liquid
Total Displacement: 576 cu. in.
Bore / Stroke: 135 x 165 mm
Power: 100 CV @ 1250 rpm
Weight: 353 Lb

Other details:
NAG F-2, right side view

"NAG F-2, right side view"

Model: F-4

Arquitecture: 6-cylinder In-line
Cooling: Liquid
Total Displacement: 864 cu. in.
Bore / Stroke: 135 x 165 mm
Power: 150 CV @ 1250 rpm
Weight: 507 Lb

Other details:
NAG F-4, left side view

"NAG F-4, left side view"

Model: F-I

Arquitecture: 4-cylinder In-line
Cooling: Liquid
Total Displacement: 267 cu. in.
Bore / Stroke: 118 x 100 mm
Power: 55 CV @ 1600 rpm
Weight: 211 Lb

Other details:
Model: Staatsmotor

Total Displacement:
Bore / Stroke:

Other details:
NAG, Staatsmotor

"NAG, Staatsmotor"

Model: Wright-NAG

Arquitecture: 4-cylinder In-line
Total Displacement:
Bore / Stroke:
Power: 35 CV

Other details:
Wright-NAG engine

"Wright-NAG engine"