Aerospace Engines A to Z
Aerospace Engines A to Z

Updated: 19-Mar-2019



GRUPO “O” (GROUPE O) engine specifications

This is the group of German engineers who, after WWII, settled in the occupied French zone to develop ATAR engines, based on their knowledge.

Grupo “O"
“Groupe O”

-Groupe O was headed by Dr. Hermann Oestrich, who was responsible for the development of the BMW P-3302 (then 109-003) and finally BMW-003, with a basic thrust of 800 Kgs.

-Initially, in 1945, Oestrich and his collaborators settled in Lindau, next to Lake Constance (Bodensee), where they founded ATAR or "Atelier Technique et Aeronautique de Rickenbach".

-The new ATAR-101 engine (see) was derived from the BMW-003 but with 1,700 Kgs of thrust.

-At the beginning of 1946, the plans arrive at the Snecma in Paris, taking charge of the final manufacturing and assembly.

-Six prototypes were made for the ATAR-101-V (prototype V -Versuch-). The following year tests began and at the same time the "O" Group moved to the Voisin factory, owned by Snecma. All the equipment passed to the French company in 1950, being Oestrich the Technical Director.

Engines of GRUPO “O” (GROUPE O)

Model: Atar 101

Arquitecture: Turbojet
Combustion chambers:
Power / Thrust:

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