Updated: 09-Dec-2018
Initials of the Study Group of Heavy Oil Engines (Huile Lourde = Gazole = Gasoil).
-In 1939 this arm emerged with people from Clerget, and in 1940 it moved to Clermont-Ferrand, although the beginnings of this design office were known in Issy-les-Molineaux, a year before. Finally it settled in Lyon.
-The first works with the Clerget 14F were done on a bench.
“Cylinder on a bench”
-The idea was to create supercharged engines with high power at higher altitudes.
-The war and the occupation prevented a normal development of the trials, which were continued with the Clerget 14NC and 16H
-The tests were done on benches with the central blocks of these engines but with a single cylinder.
-In the image we see the injection pump, upright in the front. Engineer R. Marchal intervenes intensely.
-At the end of the war, the Air Ministry made it easier for him to continue his proposals at the Talbot facilities.
-Between 1943 and 1944, his engine, the GEHL-Marchal 14NC, had been tested. This Diesel engine gave a power of 1,000 CV and was derived from the Gnome & Rhone 14N.
Engines of GEHL
Model: Clerget 14 NC
Total Displacement:
Bore / Stroke: x
Model: Clerget 16H
Total Displacement:
Bore / Stroke: x
Model: GEHL-Marchal
Arquitecture: Radial
Total Displacement:
Bore / Stroke:
Power: 1000 CV