Aerospace Engines A to Z
Aerospace Engines A to Z

Updated: 23-Oct-2018

Flygas builds the Gas 252 engine, for light aviation, with 70.7 CV (54 kW) with a consumption of 7.5 liters of gasoline per hour at cruising speed.

Gas 252
"Gas 252"

-It has SafeFly electronic ignition, but the most interesting thing is that it is turbocharged by a centrifugal compressor of the GAS brand itself.

-It has two horizontally-opposed cylinders. Its shape and size looks similar to the Citroën 2 CV engines.

From Appendix 9: The main text mentions the GAS 252, on the basis of the Citroën two-cylinder boxer engine that was used by the popular "2 CV" car.

-Lately, they offer an engine with a mechanical supercharger. It works colder than a turbocharger.

-The look of the supercharged engine is unbeatable, considering that the Citroën 2CV engine is robust and somewhat heavy for this feature.

GAS 252 engine with supercharger and gear
"With supercharger and gear"

GAS 252 gear view
"Gear view"

-Also the rocker covers have a more robust appearance as they look like cast iron and machined.

-This supercharger kit is also offered for Rotax engines.

Rotax modified by Flygas
"Rotax modified by Flygas"

From Appendix 10: This brand has just announced a new engine with 4 horizontally-opposed cylinders with a new conception: the Flygas GAS-418HA.

The new Flygas 4-cylinder engine
“The new 4-cylinder engine”

-With gear and it seems that the two superchargers are mechanical.

-The Flygas GAS-252 model is based on the famous 2CV Citroën (rather 3CV or Visa).

This two-cylinder boxer has a displacement of 703 cc, double electronic ignition, and mechanical supercharger with belt drive (we can see it under the engine at the
front of the second photo.

From Appendix 11: We found a photograph of the 4-cylinder engine, the GAS418HA.

Flygas GAS418HA
"Flygas GAS418HA"

Engines of FLYGAS

Model: Flygas, Gas 252 (Citroën conversion)

Arquitecture: 2-cylinder Horizontally opposed
Cooling: Air
Total Displacement: 703
Bore / Stroke: 80 x 70 mm

Other details:
Gas 252

"Gas 252"

Model: Flygas, GAS 252 sobrealimentado

Arquitecture: 2-cylinder Horizontally opposed
Cooling: Air
Total Displacement: 703 cc
Bore / Stroke: 80 x 70 mm
Power: 52 kW @ 6500 rpm
Weight: 57 Kg

Other details:
Gas 252 with supercharger and gear

"Gas 252 with supercharger and gear"

Model: GAS 418-HA

Arquitecture: 4-stroke4-cylinder Horizontally opposed
Cooling: Liquid
Total Displacement: 1800 cc
Bore / Stroke: 92 x 68 mm
Power: 132 kW @ 5800 rpm
Weight: 78 Kg

Other details:
Flygas GAS418HA

"Flygas GAS418HA"