Aerospace Engines A to Z
Aerospace Engines A to Z

Updated: 10-Feb-2020

(A.D. Charomskii). Around 1920, Aleksei Dmitriyevich Charomskii began with the construction of two-stroke diesel engines.

He was also one of the creators, if not the main one, of the TSiAM (CIAM) or Central Institute of Aviation Motors.

-In 1933 he produced the AN-1 based on a water-cooled, 12-cylinder Fiat V engine that gave 850/900 CV.

Charomsky AN-1
"Charomsky AN-1"

-From his OKB, Design Office, he developed the heavy 1400 CV ACh-30 engine with large turbochargers weighing more than 1,000 kg.

-This engine was followed by the 1500 CV ACh-30BF, the ACh-31, -32, -39 and the 1900 CV ACh-39BF.

Charomsky ACh-30B

-These powerful engines were intended for long-range and high altitude bombers, hence the turbochargers, as we can better see in the M-40 installed in the TB-7.

Charomsky M-40

-In 1941 the M-30 and the M-30B were renamed as ACh-30 and ACh-30B.

-The M-40 of which we only see the left side (Port side) had 4 turbochargers. This was a 12-cylinder Diesel vee engine that gave 2,000 CV. They made 93 units of the TB-7 aircraft.

-New views of Charomsky (Charomskii) engines for heavy and high altitude bombers.

Charomsky - ACh-30B -before M-30B
"ACh-30B -before M-30B"

-These were 12-cylinder Diesel vee engines, and they had one or two turbochargers per cylinder bank.

Charomsky - M-40

From Appendix 10: See main text. He specialized in diesel engines, starting with the AN-1-RTK.

Charomnsky muy joven
"A very young Charomsky"

Charomsky - Turbocharged V12 Diesel, Ach-30
"Turbocharged V12 Diesel, Ach-30"

-The ACh-30 also known as M-30 had a supercharger on each side feeding a cylinder block each.

-The Ach-40 (M-40) had two turbochargers on each side.

Charomsky - M-40 or Ach-40
“M-40 or Ach-40”

Flat Charomsky engine
"Flat Charomsky engine"

Engines of CHAROMSKY

Model: ACh-30

Charomsky - ACh-30B -before M-30B-

"Charomsky - ACh-30B -before M-30B-"

Model: ACh-31

Model: ACh-32

Model: ACh-39

Model: AN.1

Charomsky AN-1

"Charomsky AN-1"

Model: M-30 (ACh-30)

Model: M-40

Charomsky M-40

"Charomsky M-40"