Aerospace Engines A to Z
Aerospace Engines A to Z

Updated: 31-Jan-2020

Brooke "Non Gyro" Motor Company, was based in Chicago. Sometimes referred to as Brooke-Kuhnert Co.

-The "Non Gyro" was a double row rotary engine and had a total of ten cylinders.

Despite the name, it was rotating. Its most important feature was that it could also work with only five cylinders.

-It gave 85 hp and it had two Stromberg carburetors. It was the "E" type.

-The intake valves were in the piston head and the exhaust valves in the cylinder head with a small spring to keep them closed. Later while running, the centrifugal force kept them closed.

-Stroke and diameter were 4.25 x 4.25 inches.

-Another engine was the "Multi X", a rotary engine with six cylinders in two-rows of three with a total displacement of 231 cubic inches giving 24 hp.

Brooke Multi-X
"Brooke Multi-X"

From appendix 6: Thomas Preston Brooke made the "Non-Gyro" (from "Non-Gyroscopic") engines to increase aircraft stability.

Diffused photograph of Brooke
"Diffused photograph of Brooke"

-Now we have other photographs of the two row 10-cylinder engine. In the main text is mentioned a 6-cylinder engine with two rows of 3 cylinders, which also existed).

Rather unclear view of the 10-cylinder engine
"Rather unclear view of the 10-cylinder engine"

Better detail of the 10-cylinder engine
"Better detail of the 10-cylinder engine"

The Brooke engine on a bench
"The Brooke engine on a bench"

Engines of BROOKE USA

Model: ”Non Gyro” / “Non Gyroscopic”

Brooke USA - Better view of the 10-cylinder engine

"Brooke USA - Better view of the 10-cylinder engine"

Model: Double 5 cils (contrarotativo)

Model: Multi-X, rotativo, 6 cils. (2x3) 24 HP

Brooke Multi-X

"Brooke Multi-X"

Model: Type E, radial-rotativo, 85 HP