Aerospace Engines A to Z
Aerospace Engines A to Z

Updated: 30-Jan-2020

Burney and Blackburne Ltd. was a motorcycle manufacturer in Boohan, Surrey. The company was established in 1912. Sometimes it is referred to as Blackbourne.

-Do not confuse Blackburne with Blackburn.

Blackburne V, 697 cc
"Blackburne V, 697 cc"

-An engine with 2 cylinders in V at 60° that delivered 24 hp at 4500 rpm from which they developed the “Tomtit”.

-The upright V engine with two cylinders and a displacement of 697 cc we can see below.

Blackburne - Upright V Tomtit
"Upright V Tomtit"

Blackburne - Upright V Tomtit
"Upright V Tomtit"

-The same engine was prepared to run with inverted cylinders, as shown below.

Blackburne - Inverted V Tomtit
"Inverted V Tomtit"

-The cylinders were already made of steel instead of the usual casting. It gave 26 hp at 2000 rpm. It was installed in light aircraft from the 1920's (1923 approx.).

-The "Tomtit" sometimes spelled "Tom-tit", is also built in Russia and flew in the ANT-1.

-The Blackburne “Thrush”, from 1924, was a 3-cylinder radial engine with a displacement of 1,500 cc that gave 38 hp at 2,760 rpm.

Blackburne Trush
"Blackburne Thrush"

From Appendix 10: Ad of a Blackburne two-cylinder in V.

As reproduced by Aviation Ancestry
"As reproduced by Aviation Ancestry"

-These two cylinder engines manufactured by Burney and Blackburne were made in vertical V and inverted V.


Model: Thrush

Blackburne Trush

"Blackburne Trush"

Model: Tomtit

Tomtit V upright

"Tomtit V upright"