Updated: 09-Jan-2020
The “Moteurs Aubier et Dunne” factory was in Saint Amand-les-Eaux. By 1935-1936 they offered two engines for light aircraft.
"Two advertisements at that time"
-Production is based on two models, ideal for aircraft such as the "Pou-du-Ciel".
-Perhaps the original engine conceived by Mignet for his successful "Pou du Ciel" airplane was the inverted two-cylinder Aubier et Dunne engine with gear. It gave 20 hp according to an American magazine of the 1930's.
“Mignet with his Pou-du-Ciel” (PiP)
-They were inverted, two-stroke twin- and a three-cylinder engines that were air cooled.
“The two Aubier et Dunne engines”
NOTE: Size of drawings is unrelated.
-Both engines had reducing gear. The two-cylinder was known as "Channel" and gave 18/22 hp at 4,000 crankshaft rpm (propeller at 1,600 rpm). It has a displacement of 540 cc.
-Actually this engine was intended for the Pou-du-Ciel, apart from being the most suitable one.
"Picture of the two-cylinder"
-The three-cylinder engine is known as the "Jaguar" with a displacement of 810 cc and the same mechanical characteristics as the Channel. It gave 27 hp.
"The three-cylinder Jaguar"
“Aubier et Dunne, 3-cylinder”
From appendix 6: In a "Pou-du-Ciel" exhibited at the Air Museum at Le Bourget we can see an Aubier et Dunne Channel two-cylinder.
"Channel, well accessible MAE"
Engines of AUBIER & DUNNE
Model: Channel

"Aubier et Dunne - Channel"
Model: Jaguar

"Aubier et Dunne, 3 cylinders"