Updated: 28-Sep-2024
This is the company “Tecnología Aeroespacial Mexicana”.
-Currently it is touted as the world leader in rocket engines using hydrogen peroxide.
-The founder is Juan Manuel Lozano (see Lozano, Juan Manuel).
-The main text deals with its best-known product, the Rocket Belt.
-Perhaps its most important contribution is the use of a multiple catalyst of super-reactive metal alloys.
-We now have a pair of small rocket engines that are installed as RoR on the rotor blade tips of small helicopters.
-This is the case of Liteco, Intora, Atlas, etc.
“TAM ram-rocket engine”
-TAM`s latest Rocket On Rotor product is bi-fuel and does not require a catalyst.
-Hydrogen peroxide is combined with alcohol.
“Bi-fuel, for RoR”
“A classic-style rocket engine”
-Tests have been carried out on bicycles, motorcycles or other vehicles, to check their performance.
-Perhaps the most exotic example of a TAM rocket engine installation is the one carried out on the parachuting suit, so in vogue now, which is greatly improved by the thrust given by a rocket engine installed between the legs.
“Aspect of the installation of the rocket engine with a parachuting suit”
-Although specialized in small rocket engines, we have an illustration from TAM itself in which they show us the natural evolution towards larger engines with more ambition.
-It seems that they are prepared to make any project that a client may wish a reality. That is, custom engines.
-An example is the one he made for Switzerland and the Dragonfly helicopter from Swiss Copter.
-The illustrations in this chapter are those that appeared on the TAM website.
-And they complement the one in the main text called Lozano, Juan Manuel.
“TAM's latest engines”
Motores de TAM
Model: Rocket belt
Feed System:
Model: RoR engine
Feed System: