Aerospace Engines A to Z
Aerospace Engines A to Z

Updated: 21-Aug-2024

Stearns was the builder of a powerful engine designed by the Stearns Automobile Company but built by the Baltimore Oil Engine Company.

-To see what this engine was like, refer to the Baltimore Oil Engine Company chapter.

From Appendix A7/6: The existence of this engine is mentioned in the main text without being able to provide details or illustrations.

-It refers to the information contained in the Baltimore Oil Engine Co. chapter where the internal layout can already be seen.

-Below we show a first photo of F.B. Stearns with a model of the mechanism.

Stearns with his model of the operating principle
“Stearns with his model of the operating principle” (PiP)

-The engine was considered to have high rotation speed and power, operating with the Diesel system.

-It had eight cylinders and sixteen pistons arranged in a diamond shape like two V's joined by the wide part, precisely where the combustion chambers are located.

-It was considerably massive, and we have an idea of ​​its size in contrast to that of its author.

Stearns with his engine
“SStearns with his engine”

Engines of STEARNS

Model: Double crankshaft engine

Total Displacement:
Bore / Stroke: x

Other details: