Aerospace Engines A to Z
Aerospace Engines A to Z

Updated: 02-May-2018

Auxiliary power group of the Eclipse brand, manufacturer of other electrical accessories such as dynamos, starters, regulators, etc.

-The NEG single-cylinder two-stroke model and assembling a generator of the same brand, model 638, DC-AC.

Eclipse APP, NEG
"Eclipse APP, NEG"

Eclipse 4-72A
"Eclipse 4-72A"

-The four-cylinder engine giving 30 hp at 4000 rpm.

-It maintained 20 hp at 20,000 feet in altitude thanks to overfeeding. It was liquid-cooled with a Prestone radiator.

-It also gave 120 Volts AC at 400 cycles.

-On the other hand, its inertia starters were so famous that even the great German Bosch made several types of them under license.

-Six of these are shown below, presented as Bosch but of American Eclipse origin.

Bosch-Eclipse Inertia Starters
"Bosch-Eclipse Inertia Starters"

-There is information about an Eclipse engine with 9 radial cylinders. A photograph of this engine is located at the NASM under reference Fot. (BE-020000-20). It has been requested.

Engines of ECLIPSE (auxiliar energy)

Model: Model 4-72A

Arquitecture: 4-cylinder Horizontally opposed
Cooling: Liquid
Total Displacement:
Bore / Stroke:
Power: 20 HP

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Eclipse 4-72A

"Eclipse 4-72A"

Model: Model NEG

Arquitecture: 2-stroke Single-cylinder
Total Displacement:
Bore / Stroke:

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Eclipse APP, NEG

"Eclipse APP, NEG"

Model: Radial

Arquitecture: 9-cylinder Radial
Total Displacement:
Bore / Stroke:

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