Aerospace Engines A to Z
Aerospace Engines A to Z

Updated: 27-Aug-2020

Chuguevski builds small engines for models and has introduced itself in the field of larger engines for UAV, etc.

-The company is based in the city of Chuguev.

-There are four models:

Chuguevski - single-cylinder engine

Chuguevski - single-cylinder engine
“Two small single-cylinder engines”

-There are two-cylinder and four-cylinder engines. Both are horizontally opposed.

Chuguevski - boxer de 2 cilindros

Chuguevski - boxer de 4 cilindros
“The Chuguevski Boxers”


Model: 2 y 4 cils. (horiz-opuestos)

Chuguevski - 4-cylinder boxer

"Chuguevski - 4-cylinder boxer"

Model: Single-cylinder

Chuguevski - single-cylinder

"Chuguevski - single-cylinder"