Updated: 31-Jan-2020
Company installed in London that in 1930 acquired the license to build Salmson engines for light aviation and that during the time of prewar manufactured the AC-5, AC-7, AC-9 and AD-9 and AD-9R.
-The AC was more powerful and the AD had a lower power output. The AD-9R was equipped with a gearbox.
"British Salmson AD-9R"
-For example, the AD-9 delivered 40 to 50 hp at 1800 rpm with nine cylinders in a row (80 hp at 3000 rpm in the case of the AD-9R) and AC-5, gave 60 hp at 1800 rpm with a 5-cylinder row.
-Around 1935, the British Salmson AD.9R was advertised as follows.
"British Salmson AD.9R ad"
"British Salmson 1935 ad"
-British Salmson, just like in France, built cars of a certain category, such as we see in the ad from a 1935 publication.
-Previously, in 1930, other engines from the Salmson range that were manufactured in England were offered as shown below.
"British Salmson ad from 1930"
From appendix 9: This company built French engines (Lic. Switzerland), in the UK. It had this logo.
"British-Salmson logo with propeller and wings"
Del Apéndice 10: From our French collaborator Durand Gilles we received a new photograph for the 9-cylinder Salmson, which is in his possession.
"Un 9-cylinder Salmson without asymmetric gear"
Model: AC-5
Model: AC-7
Model: AC-9
Model: AD-9
"British Salmson AD-9"
Model: AD-9R
"British Salmson AD-9R"