Aerospace Engines A to Z
Aerospace Engines A to Z

Updated: 28-Jan-2020

They made an engine that was in competition with Volkswagen and Panhard for the Wassmer facilities to use it in the "Baby-Jodel" aircraft. They did not meet this application since Dyna-Panhard got hold of it.

-We haven't found any picture of this engine that gave 50 CV.

Turbi, con Beaussier
"Turbi, con Beaussier"

-Roger Druine's small two-seater “Turbi” (from Turbulent) aircraft was equipped with a Beaussier 50 CV engine.

-It had a lot of car engine parts. In 1952, "Service Technique de L’Aeronautique", used three engines for testing and  official approval. We do not know the result.

-S.C.A.N.O.R. (Société de Construction Aéronautique du Nord) adapted a Beaussier to the Leopoldoff L-3 airframe, built in Lescelles.

Engines of BEAUSSIER

Model: 50 HP