Aerospace Engines A to Z
Aerospace Engines A to Z

Updated: 09-Jan-2020

The manufacturer Back Brown built Anzani engines under license in the United States. They were improved and more powerful.

-When in 1927 Anzani sold the factory to Potez, he collaborated with Brown Back in the beginning. There they built the 3-cylinder radial engine that gave 48 hp at 1,800 rpm. The 60 and 80 hp 6-cylinder radial engines and the 120 to 225 hp 10-cylinder engines.

-The two-cylinder 15 hp engine was developed in Brown Back to reach 28 hp at 1,800 rpm with dual ignition.


Model: 10 cyl. radial

Model: 3 cyl. radial

Model: 6 cyl. radial

Model: bicilíndrico