Updated: 06-Dec-2019
AD Astra Rocket had an agreement with NASA to develop a powerful plasma engine with a variable impulse, the VASIMR (Variable Specific Impulse Magnetoplasma Rocket).
-See also the Franklin (Frank) Chang chapter in an apendix of this work.
The engine that is being tested at the moment is the VX-200
Thanks to the new technologies on superconductors which are necessary for the electro magnets that accelerate the engine's exhaust.
"Vasimr plasma engine"
-The fuel it uses is hidrogen or helium as gas that is ionized in coils and launched by the high velocity nozzle. Compared with a classic rocket engine the weight of the needed fuel goes from 7.5 tons to 300kgs. They reach very high temperatures.
"Testing a VASIMR"
Model: VASIMIR VX-200.
Power: @ rpm Other details:
A powerful plasma engine with a variable impulse
The fuel it uses is hidrogen or helium as gas that is ionized in coils and launched by the high velocity nozzle. Compared with a classic rocket engine the weight of the needed fuel goes from 7.5 tons to 300kgs. They reach very high temperatures.

"Vasimir plasma engine"