Aerospace Engines A to Z
Aerospace Engines A to Z

Updated: 01-Feb-2024

A Shickel V-four engine, the V4, is exposed at the EAA Air Venture Museum (Oshkosh).

From Appendix 6: The Shickel engine mentioned in the main text has been photographed at the Air Venture Museum in Oshkosh.

-It is simply known as the V4 model due to its four-cylinder V-shaped arrangement. Its construction is rustic and not very light.

-It looks like a 2-stroke engine, but the lack of a collector sump in the lowest part of the engine is striking.

The Shickel V4, photo via AEHS
“The Shickel V4, photo via AEHS”

Motores de SHICKEL

Model: 4-cylinder V

Total Displacement:
Bore / Stroke: x

Other details: