Aerospace Engines A to Z
Aerospace Engines A to Z

Updated: 16-Feb-2024

SicmeMotori is a manufacturer of electric motors for countless applications such as elevators, industrial, etc.

-It has entered aviation through other aircraft manufacturers (Pionner 300, Skyspark, etc.), and other accessories suppliers.

A Sicme engine on a Pioneer 300
“A Sicme engine on a Pioneer 300”

-The accessories are: the fuel cell, the hydrogen tank and the installation, electrical controls and indicators.

-An auxiliary battery for services is also installed.

Component distribution, fig. 1
Component distribution, fig.2
“Component distribution”

Fuel Cells
“Fuel cells”

Hydrogen tank
"Hydrogen tank"

Engine cutaway
"Engine cutaway"

Control panel
"Control panel"

From Appendix 12: 101 CV electric motor installed on the Pionner 300 aircraft.

The Scimemotori on the Pionner 300 aircraft
“The Scimemotori in the mentioned plane”

-It uses high-capacity lithium polymer batteries.


Model: Motores eléctricos